Project Title: "Capturing reality: youth using digital media proactively"
financed and supported by ACES (Academy of Central European Schools)
The specific focus of the mutual collaboration between Private Trade School (Bulgaria) and High School Ovidius (Romania) is to enable the students to create effective digital media products that will be disseminated via various channels of communication.
The projects aims to provide the participants with the practical and conceptual tools to produce their own media in order to become active citizens in the civic society. The students' individual digital storytelling films revolve around issues of ecological sustainability of the Black Sea coastal towns.
Project Idea:
The project aims to establish a bilateral partnership between two high schools from Bulgaria and Romania that will provide the participants (12 participants, 15 -17 years old) the essential competencies of analyzing mass media products, discerning their embedded media messages and give them the practical tools to create their own digital media products. By establishing the project spectrum on cultivating an awareness of sustainable coastal development in the students, the project furthermore aims to nurture students creativity and build an aspiration to use digital media proactively. The project correlates extensively with the overall aces call theme. The media literacy angle will be strengthened by practical production workshops, which will enable the students to create their own digital media. The main objective is to shift students perspective from being passive receivers of media messages in becoming active creators. After learning about the process of filmmaking, the students will produce their own digital productions (3-5 min long). The project will also make the students aware of how to use social media channels proactively when aiming to spread a message.
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